time lapse and Maya story

there is a story about Maya (illusion).

one day sri krishna and Narada both are having a conversation.
Narada says, Krishna i never experienced your maya and i just wonder how it feels like.
Krishna said, Narada would you fetch me some water? 
Naradha said sure, and he took few steps and enter in to a village in the earth plane.
 there he saw a beautiful girl and fell in love, he asked her to marry him and they got married had children buried in the worldly desires, sorrows and daily hustle and bustle and what not!
time is passing by
 suddenly one night in his dream Narada heard a soft voice somebody is asking him Narada, where is my water? when are you bringing it to me?
suddenly Narada woke up next to krishna looking at him confused 
krishna asked him didn't i requested you to fetch some water where did you disappear?
Narada said, i have no idea what just happened, i don't understand, where am I?
sri krishna smiled and said narada, you wanted to experience how my Maya feels like and you just experienced it.
how is that experience?
Narada came out of amnesia and said it felt so real, i didn't even remember who i was or anything about our friendship or other dimensions.

according to vedas one second of cosmic time is 80+ years of earthly time.
when soul left for one second from our super soul to live in the human body here on earth it seems as for years because earth plane is very low vibration plane and very dense as well, on top of it we have maya.

beautiful story!!