parents visit

They are here!
both of them are adjusting very well of the new surroundings.
Nanna is observing my lifestyle for the first time,
I left his house 14 years ago as a bride, visited him every two years but never had enough time to sit and talk in those visits, with long list of to do things and visiting relatives it's always hectic.  mom is busy cooking and dad is busy doing his work.
so here they are, just for a change
 in my world and sweet home. 
They are asking millions of innocent questions of how things work from faucet to American system of law!
what not, anything they see there is a question.
so much curiosity and observation.

wondered and amazed by the quietness of my surroundings,
ducks in the lake, lawns in America and how much time, water, energy especially money wasted for that grass. 
schools, drain systems, cars and roads, trees and landscaping, 
heating and cooling systems, markets and price comparisons,
food and packaging, the fact that they didn't smell anything even though they are in meat market!
they like every inch of it.
suddenly nanna asks, where are the people! i can see only cars, but where are the people!!

My kids overwhelmed by the fact that grand parents visited them, so they could share the stories just like there friends sharing with them.
showing off everything and try to adjust, forgiving ammamma's constant criticism and comments. 
my husband is in ecstasy because i am controlling my temper towards him and the company of my father.
for me nothing changed so far, at the same time everything changed.



cool....i've been waiting for this post.:)Have a nice time.


hahahha! still cold here, waiting for sunshine so we could go out.