I came from hottest and humid part of south India to cold place in North America. snow used to be a fantasy for me.
For my kids it's all the way around, they are making memories of this place and there fantasy is visiting cousins, places where mom and dad grew up, in the hottest weather conditions, four of us heap memories about same places with different view point.
Friday night we had a snow storm passed by with wild winds leaving us with breathtaking beauty and chores. we wake up with one foot snow piled up around the place. no one touched it yet so its like a white carpet everywhere, so warm and cozy inside and spectacular outside. but reality hits.
we have to clean the driveway! you can't leave it, since this beautiful fluffy snow become ice soon, and if somebody walks on it, slip and break their neck, beauty becomes nightmare and you are Guilty! Damn! why it has to be like that. there is always a price for amenity.
Well boys get ready. eat extra idli and drink more milk put the cold gear on, duty is calling. they didn't say a thing. whining is not allowed. life must move on.
shoveling snow is grueling job, it looks like you are dealing a fluffy snow but your back hurts like hell while doing it, on top of it snow blowing on your face, your skin started cracking and numb your nerve. it's not fun huh! you experience fantasy and pain at the same time:)
The essence of life is not attaining happiness, but to live with neutrality where there is neither happiness nor sorrow but contentment.
for him it's a solid one hour workout.
and for kids it's playtime !!
what am i doing you may ask! i never get tired of taking pictures
windy perfect layers!
who said only clear night sky lit with stars. look closer there are millions under the bright sunny day on snow:)
click on image if you want to see full size, all images, taken by Me
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