Perfect place

I move things in my house daily basis. arranging and rearranging until i felt this is the right place for this tree or this cup or this chair.
i bought a teeny tiny Ganesha statue in a Connecticut town called Nor-walk. I went to a neighborhood American convenient store and i saw Ganesha in a glass box, and several magnets and posters of movie actors in their outfits, they are all in a designated corner.
NTR (Telugu movie actor) and his famous roles as Rama and Krishna are the highlights in one of those magnets and posters. 
I can't believe it, NTR in American convenient store!! how did that happened, so i went to ask this middle aged white lady, her face lit and started sharing her recent adventurous trip to India and she bought the road side stuff to sell in her store. 
I told her that i wanted to purchase Ganesha statue, she is so happy that Ganesha is going to a loving family. i am so blessed and humble that he choose me.
I move him across the state, apartment to home, every corner in the house over the years and finally under the Ginseng Ficus Bonsai tree!!

I bought Bonsai several days ago from home depot, cup and saucer planter came last year and waiting for me to use it and finally all in one as a visual medley.   
perfect place for him to stay with us for ever and so peaceful to see him.

{picture taken by me}