what is normal and abnormal?

normal people? abnormal person?
who gives these labels to whom?
what is this commotion between normality and abnormality.
who decides these label?
if a person reached out of your expectation or your vision  you call that person abnormal?
a person may be out of box thinker and you try your best to drag that person back in to it,
since it is too much for adjudicator to even try to experience that out of box journey, they simply label a thinker rather than becoming part of it.

Some things should not be taken literally, its about a simple concept, people are basically sheep and there is so much comfort to be part of a herd, but not all, some go in a different direction. I understand this without having to articulate...
It is all a state of mind.
out of box thinkers always abnormal. because they think.
Its all about honest choice.
be honest to yourself and your choices. 
that's all it matters at the end.
at the end no one is going to be there, but yourself.  
some take hundreds of lifetimes to get it. 
for some that understanding is happening

 "The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function."

..............F. Scott Fitzgerald

{written by me}