veggie garden is in FULL swing!

so many interesting things happened since my last post and i can't wait to share and keep them here, all of the incidents are great except, my laptop suddenly, stubbornly backed down on me :(

My garden is in full swing, looks FAB and delish!!
i planted many crops for experiment and pleasure to see how they grow and none of them disappointed me :)
mostly Garlic came out fantastic!
i planted garlic last year in October and harvested in 
yes! these are from my garden!

i got the garlic seed from seed savers exchange in September 2009 and they send 2 bulbs and a garlic planting guide, i just followed the instructions 

  • when you are planning to grow garlic do not separate the cloves from the bulb until you are ready to plant.
  • plant the cloves root end down, 6-8" apart. 
  • cloves will begin to emerge in 4-8 weeks if not do not be concerned, the plants may  suffer frost or freeze and will survive the weather and emerge in spring, very forgiving:)
  • fertilize up to may 15, do not fertilize after 15.
  • garlic needs 1" water per week during the growing season. stop watering from June to harvest easily
  • keep weeds under control.
  • 'Scapes' form when garlic matures. cut or break them off after they are 10" long.
i don't know that the bulbs up there are good in soups or stir fries, so i toss them, and got so sad after i got the info:(
  •   harvest after leaf die-back begins sometime in June or early July.
  • dig the garlic carefully, do not pull the stalk or it will separate from the bulb.
  • gently clean the dirt, don't bruise. remove from sun immediately.
  • tie a bundle and hang in shaded, dry shed or garage. leave hanging for 4 weeks.
  • after drying, trim off the roots and cut the stalks off leaving 1 1/2" above the bulb. store in netted bags or baskets, do not refrigerate.
  • hold the nicest bulbs for replanting.
i think i am definitely planting them again this October!!
i love the feeling of digging them from ground like treasure hunting and find out how big the cloves and the smell of them.