35 things I know for sure

1. I have very high standards for me, sometimes i am too tired to meet those standards and i learned that it's OK if i don't meet them.

2. I like to cook, I personalize my dishes by trying and re trying it until i master them, too bad if it's not like your mom's or not like you expected because it is uniquely my style and mine alone.

3. when i look back I am in my kids life, every boo boo, every scared moment, every doubt, every enjoyment, every confusion, every tear and i am completely fulfilled being a mom

4. I am good at organizing my house and spend time and energy to do so and manage time very effectively.  

5. In 35 years i experience world class life, traveled, had material stuff around and there is nothing i am yearning at this moment humbled, fulfilled, Full of gratitude. 

6. sugar is enemy

7. i know how to wear sari elegantly and casuals for day and formals for hospital volunteer work and never missed complements from people for my polished look.

8. You can personalize everything make it uniquely yours...Faith, attire, laugh, compassion, traditions, life choices, hosting a dinner, friends etc, you don't have to follow anybody, you customize them for you and just be.

9.where you live is not important how you live is important ...country, city, metro, abroad, Yurt or penthouse it doesn't matter, your space is your heaven keep it clean and respect for what you have.

10.books are best friends.

11. being introvert is not crime, I don't have to be worry how extraverts think about me. i don't even differentiate any based on extra or intro.

12. your husband, kids, family members don't complete you, you complete yourself so focus on that not on them.

13. grow your own food and marvel on how a tiny seed produce abundance.

14. I forgive myself.

15. meditation is conversation with soul, so spend just 15 minutes with you everyday.

16. when i am living my life the way i can live, i notice people have expectations on me, i don't think i can fulfill their expectations because they are not mine.

17. crying is not shame it is as important as laughter.

18. there is no failing in life, it's just the indication of wrong turn, get back to the path and keep on moving, sometimes you must take that wrong turn to give somebody a lift and be a hero in their down time, so any way you see failing is as important as success.

19. I always do something new to improve my body, mind and spirit.

20. I almost get rid of my life worth of baggage of anger, emotional junk, well almost, not entirely.

21. i am a global citizen, my mind never differentiate the  interaction with varies cultures and nationalities, languages and accents i respect because we all one.
i have problems with attitudes not people.

22. Earth is filled with secrets what you see and experiencing on this earth is all a lie.

23.  All my life people perspective about me never matched what i know about me but now i love myself and learned excepting me.

24. be open minded, pyramids are not tombs and i don't think mighty Meenakshi temple build by humans and i firmly believe there is life out side of our home called earth.

25. i had a confused teenage years, i don't even know about it then that i am clueless, i thought i know all, when i look back now, thank god i survived with minor blemishes and hurray i made it and now i let it go!!! because it is no longer serve any good any way.

26. up to date with new tech, lifestyle, trends but don't over do it or drown in it because there is a delicate balance between new and old both are important.

27. since childhood i want to do a lot of things and i fulfilled most of them, people don't like my career choices but those are my curiosities and fully experienced it, once it is done i am free to move on to fulfill my next curiosity. i have luxury of choice.

28. music is divine.

29. I am always proud of the feeling that i was born the land of deep thinkers, philosophers and sages and probably walk on the same soil as they once did and just thinking of it always gives me goosebumps.

30. i have numerous talents and skills i used to deny that, don't know why but changed and started accepting it.

31. we tell a lot of stories our self's not all of them are right it's the mind playing games with us so pay attention to filter which story is right and which one is wrong.

32. My grandmother is the only one excepted me as i am with out judgement, when she passed away i let go of her gracefully because i spent a lot of time with her while she is on Earth with me, we laughed, cried, argued, yell, discussed with each other openly, genuinely and that never happened with any one in my life and i had a human being in my life that loved me unconditionally and i honor that, i firmly believe she is looking over me and guiding me.

33. just because you claim your parents as parents and siblings as siblings relative as relative that doesn't mean you know them very well, sometimes they are as much as the strangers on the street. all of us have "with- in", pure and sensible everybody is too afraid to show or explore that.

34. if people are in competition or comparison or opinionated about me or with me i take space or give space to think. time heals everything because i have no interest on competing or comparing nor opinion on that situation.

35. we are here to learn or teach so people come to your life to learn or teach and you go to their life to learn or teach. simple.

{written by me}

love the posters
